Database Usage Guide
Please link to this website/Trade Statistics/Database Query/Total Imports/Total Exports. Take import and export data of whisky during 2003-2018 for example, the step-by-step guide is as follows:
You can find commodity codes of specific products by the following two ways:
The message “data not found” indicates there is no record of inquiring partner/commodity in the trade statistics. However it is worth noting that it might be caused by change of commodity codes. There would be no record of new commodity code before the time when it was adopted. And there would be no record of old code after new one was adopted either. To check if specific commodity code has changed, please link to this website/Trade Statistics/Reference/Tariff Database Search. Find out the specific codes by “Method 2: Contents notes of Each Chapter” and choose “history” option.
The provision of all customs declaration information provided to Customs by duty-payers or exporters of goods shall be governed by the Paragraph 1 of the Article 12 of the Customs Act. However list of importers/exports of goods can be accessed at the website of International Trade Administration (https://www.trade.gov.tw/English/) /Inquiry/ Directory of Importers/Exporters.